Disease Name Potato bacterial wilt
Caused by
Predisposing Environment Although it occurs in countries where temperatures range from 24-35oC, it is best adapted for temperatures of about 27oC, i.e., lower (i.e., sub-tropical) compared to other races. Spread to a limited extent occurs through wet soils over short distances, and in run-off water; over longer distances, spread is via infected tubers and in soil on machinery and shoes. There is the possibility of spread by insects. Survival in soil (and debris) is from 1-2 years depending on temperature, moisture, depth in the soil, presence of weeds (especially those of the Solanaceae) and volunteer potato plants. Survival on the outside of roots on non-hosts also occurs.
Affects Crops

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PNG University of Technology

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E-mail: benson.mirou@pnguot.ac.pg

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