Disease Name Soft rot disease
Caused by
Predisposing Environment Streptomyces ipomoea is a bacterium species that causes soft rot disease on sweet potatoes. The following conditions create the perfect opportunities for this disease to thrive: 1. Adverse temperatures: Soft rot is favored by immature tubers and pulp temperatures above 70°F at harvest. 2. Mechanical damage: Bacteria enter through lenticels, growth cracks, or any injury. 3. Free water on tuber surfaces: Soft rot is favored by the presence of free water on tuber surfaces. 4. Dense canopies and high humidity: Dense canopies, warm conditions, and long periods of leaf wetness favor the development of stem rot. These conditions create a microclimate that impedes air circulation, leading to high humidity and moisture in the lower canopy. Please note that these are some of the factors that contribute to the thriving of Streptomyces ipomoea and soft rot disease on sweet potatoes. "Brown to black water-soaked lesions on stems and petioles which expand rapidly and cause large areas of soft rot on the stem; stem may collapse causing several vines to wilt; entire plant may die; storage roots may develop areas of soft rot which is initially colorless, but eventually turns brown with a black margin".
Affects Crops

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